12 Signs He Is Secretly In Love With You
Signs He Is In Love With You

Having a relationship nowadays is very common. But do you really think that someone who is in a relationship actually loves you? Need signs of Love? Or many people don’t be in a relationship but always finding that who loves them and who is not. How you could know that someone loves you or not?
How you could recognize the person stays with you all day and admits that he is in a relationship actually loves you or it’s just lust. And how could you come to know about different perspectives of love? This matters a lot especially for women because they are always in search for true love, not surely saying about all girls and ladies but yes majority of women are in need of love and they just don’t use the word “Love”, they use “True Love” and want true love in life with the partner. So how could you recognize that true love?
Definitely, it’s not written on someone’s face that they love you or not, or they have true love or not. Not everyone is expressive. Especially if we are talking about men than most men don’t even know how to express their love or how to say that they love their girls. Some men are there who give hugs and kisses, some are there who say love you, some are there who give surprises, some gave you extra care, some pampered you but not all men do this. Some men are shy, some men don’t know how to say, they just care for you but don’t tell you that they love you. So here are some signs by which you can easily recognize that someone loves you or not.
Read Out : Happy Relationship Facts
The way of His Looking at You:

Sometimes we are not in a relationship. We do friendships but you want to know whether that is something more than friendship or just a friendship? So here is the first sign for all relationship loving and friendship loving women that you can recognize the love by his way of looking at you. He always looks like you are something very special, so special that he can’t believe you exist.
His way of looking isn’t lusted not desire. His way of looking is calm and gentle but makes you feel attracted to him. The vibes he is gaining by you when he sees you; you can easily feel that vibes. The level of frequency of bonding between you and him become so strong while his seeing that you can feel it also. He cannot stop looking at you. And this looking will not be always when you get ready, even when you cross him while going any other way or even while doing work, this all can be done within a few seconds.
He Wants to Give You:

Real love is all about giving. He always wants to give to you whether that is love, affection or help or maybe gifts. He doesn’t want to let you down. The person who loves you will always be searching for help for you. The best example of this type or sign of love is the relationship between parents and children. Parents love their children more than their children and the way of love is to give them what they want. The person who is in love with you will not only give you love, respect, gifts or help you financially but also gives you time because time is the most demanding and the best thing we can give to the other person. Love is not just a feeling, it’s an action that is done without any interaction.
You Are Always Priority For Him:

The best sign that he loves you is that you are on top of him. He can leave anything for you to make you happy and satisfied. If you have demanded anything from him, even if that thing he cannot afford, he will try his best to give you and make you feel special. He always leaves his work whenever you ask you time and him. He always takes your side and makes you feel a priority. You become his first priority for him.
He Will Engrossed Himself in Your Life:

He will try his best to involve himself in your life. Your life problems become his life problems. Your happiness becomes his happiness. And your needs become his responsibilities. He always wants to know everything about your life and everything about you. He always needs your time and affection towards him. Moreover he loves to know about you and about your life.
Not only this but yes he will plunge yourself in his life, he will let you know about his past if he has, he will show and meet you with his friends, will tell about his best friend, he will try hard to make you be part of his life and especially his personal life. He will let you know about his life plans. He will tell you all his secrets and he will always be in need of your support. This is a basic sign that he loves you or not.
He Notices the Little Things in You:

A simple lipstick on your lips or maybe eyeliner on your eyes, he gonna notice this too. One more sign that he loves you that he will always notice you even the small things including what you do, how you do, what you did and what are the small changes which you wear daily. Love is done without any reason. If you think that he loves you with a reason than that is not love. Loving someone is done from the core of heart. When you love someone you don’t find a reason to love.
Your Happiness Is Priority:

He always wants to make you happy. He is happy or not, that does not matter. And he will make your happiness priority. If a man tells you anything and you don’t like it and he keeps doing that thing then he is not in love with you. For him, you are not important and he can leave you whenever he wants. So if you want to know that he loves you then finds little things about it and you will get your answer.
He Tells You, Your Importance For Him:

If He is in love with you he always tells you your importance for him. If you get distant from him, he will miss you and will let you know about it. He will text you or calls or give you a surprise meet up. He will always search for the chance to tell you about your value for him in his life. A man who loves you will always be in touch with you.
He won’t give you lame excuses:

If you are going on a date and he is late or he forgets, he must not make any lame excuse for not coming. He will try best to come even if he is late. He won’t let you down, won’t make your day bad, won’t let you feel like you have wasted your day before him. And he will make you happy by giving flowers, by giving small things that make you feel special and forget those moments when he was late. A man who loves you really will always want to make you feel special and good. A guy who loves you will never keep you on hangings, will tell the truth and informed you about the little things that happen.
He Won’t Give Up:

A man who loves you will never give up, he will try his best to make you fall in love with him, if not love than comfortable level should be there. He won’t make excuses that he would not yours because you have been somewhere else or distance matters or you are with someone else. More to it, He will always with you whenever and wherever you need. He won’t give up that you can’t be him. And he will put his all into a relationship. He won’t give up on you is also in signs of love.
Pay Attention To His Body Language:

Body Language says all about a person and his needs. A simple example will be a coat here that how could you recognize that someone is interested in listening to your words or not then look at his feet. If his feet are in the direction of you then he is interested in talking to you even if he does not reply to you. Pay attention to his body language when he is near to you. Pay attention to the uncommon signs of closeness because if he loves you he will definitely want to get close to you. Unconscious hand touching or elbow touching from his side to you will make you clear about these small things and real love.
The Way of Talking:

One more sign of love, They are always polite to you who are in love with you. If a person says that he loves you but at the same time he doesn’t respect you or nor give you attention, or have abusive talking with you then they don’t love you. Loving means giving respect, talking politely and making the conversation smooth and relaxing.

He will act as an all-rounder. And he will be romantic when you need it, he will play a dramatic role when you need and he can do whatever you want. Moreover, he always makes you laugh. The last sign from 12 signs that can show you that he is secretly in love with you or not.
Don’t get confuse in finding the real love. See the signs and make your life more beautiful.
For more Relationship Guidlines please read: Grow Your Relationship Well.