Sex During Pandemic!
Should We Do Sex During Pandemic?
‘’ No Sex, Please, we’re in a Pandemic’’
What do you think is it safe to have sex in COVID-19 quarantine. That depends, if you’re living in a long-term relationship and both of you are not sick, then go for it. On the other hand, if you’re hoping for a sexual relationship with someone you never met before then stop it right now.
‘’ Staying, Apart, Together’’
Now for the coronavirus epidemic of twenty-twenty, talk about sex is as routine in new headlines as some of the other guidelines about staying at home, washing your hands, maintain distance from others in public.
‘’ Enjoy Your Time in Quarantine’’
If you’re at home with your partner and you’re in a long-term relationship then it’s completely safe–to have sex and enjoy your time.
Couples Having Sex During Pandemic (Quarantine):
Most people in quarantine are at the moment, are experiencing changes in their routine life. There’s no school, no office, no universities, people are not attending parties, no business, and family dinners. In this pathetic life, couples are playing the most important role to make themselves relax and happy. Some of the people who are feeling panic should keep themselves busy, spending time with each other, and do sex (if the other person is not ill).
Fighting off the blues:
Some wise men said a very good thing ‘’For plenty of people when they stressed out, sex is the farthest thing from their mind’’.
Too much togetherness:
When we discuss a long-term relationship, it can be difficult to keep the mystery alive at the best of times. Too much closeness, make sure it doesn’t affect your relationship.
Love rests on two pillars: surrender and autonomy. When we close to someone and then suddenly we separate each other and there can be no connection. Then there is nothing more transcend, no one to visit on the other side, no bridge to walk on, no other internal world to enter.
So it is better to wait for a vaccine of COVID-19 and then start a sexual relationship with your partner at the peak level.