Heart Attack and Pregnancy
Heart Attack and Pregnancy:
Pregnancy and Health:

Pregnant women do care about their babies which are going to get birth by them in a few months so they don’t worry about their hearts. They take care of food but don’t care about jogging and walk. Even the well-educated women sometimes take negligence about their walk and don’t get focus on their health. Focusing on health and focusing on pregnancy are quite two different things. Focus on health means you just focus on food, exercise, jogging and day by day routine. But focusing on your gestation is about just taking care of your baby in the womb, taking medicine and eating food without knowing whether that is healthy or not. Women who go the gyms stop their gyms and workout in pregnancy which is wrong. Gestation is not any disease; pregnancy means taking and growing another life in you which is women’s most important part of life. So in this time interval, if you stop your workout then this not a healthy symptom of life. In this way, most women get disease different diseases and problems in which heart attack is also included.
Also Know About: Mini Heart Attack.
Researches on heart attack of pregnant women:
Researchers found that, the risk of a pregnant woman having a heart attack increased by 25 percent, with rates rising from 7.1 women per 100,000 women hospitalized during gestation to 9.5 women per 100,000. There are many changes taking place in a woman’s body during gestation that may make her more vulnerable to heart disease. For your more information from women ages 18 and older who were hospitalized during gestation, delivery or in the six weeks after giving birth. Of the more than 55 million pregnancy-related hospitalizations during this period, the study found that nearly 4,500 women had heart attacks during pregnancy.
Read Also: Heart Attack Symptoms

Stress on Heart and Pregnancy:
Your heart pumps up to 50 percent more blood during gestation. This is because you have to move oxygen and vital nutrients to your increasing baby size in the womb. There’s no ultimate cause of peripartum cardiomyopathy. Peripartum cardiomyopathy is heart disease clearly saying it is heart failure. Moreover, doctors believe this condition occurs when the extra pumping of blood combines with other risk factors. This combination places additional stress on the heart.
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