Exercise After Heart Attack
Exercise After Heart Attack:
Exercise after heart attack is good habbit to develop. Today we are going to read about it. When you leave a hospital the cardiac rehabilitation nurse, our physiotherapist will give you advice that when and how you can do exercise or do different exercises and they also advise you that which exercise should you choose. Approximately 10 days after a heart attack most people will be ready to start gentle physical activity again. There’s nothing like physical activity to keep your heart strong, and this is especially true of exercise after a heart attack. People who exercise regularly after having a heart attack, along with taking other strides toward improved heart health. After a heart attack, it is important to begin a regular activity program to help reduce the chance of having additional heart problems.
Read Also: Mini Heart Attack.

Walk After Heart Attack:
Walking after a heart attack is quite a good thing for you but you should be careful of yourself:
Pace yourself
When you start walking you must stop if you feel chest pains or become too breathless to talk. Rest for a few minutes and then start again if you feel better but go more slowly.
Warm-up, cool down and stretch.
Your walk should be slower at the start and as you finish. Once you’ve completed the workout, be sure to stretch.
Avoid heavy lifting.
If you’re sprinting so hard it’s difficult to talk or you’re pumping iron but straining to lift heavy objects, dial it down a notch.
Read Also: Pregnancy Exercise.

Bad Symptoms; Stop Exercise:
Following are some bad symptoms if you face then stop the exercise and these are given below:
- Chest pain, pressure, tightness or heaviness.
- Pain or pressure in your arm, neck or jaw.
- Extreme shortness of breath.
- An uneven or very fast heartbeat.
- Lightheaded
- Indigestion or gas.
- Perspiration and a loss of color.
- Numbness in your arms.
- Extreme fatigue after exercise.
Also Read: Heart Attack Symptoms.
Regular Activity:
- Recover better from a heart attack or other heart problems
- Reduce your risk of more heart problems
- Improve your long-term health
- Feel more confident, happy and relaxed
- Have more energy
- Manage your weight more easily
- Improve your cholesterol
- Lower your blood pressure
- Have stronger bones (and lower your risk of osteoporosis)
- Manage your blood glucose levels if you have diabetes.