Change Your Relationship with Food
The abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables during this season offers a delightful array of flavours for your palate. There’s a unique pleasure in selecting from such a wide variety of fresh foods, making it an ideal time to embrace mindful eating as part of a healthy dietary regimen and fully appreciate the flavours of these ripe fruits and veggies.
What does it mean to eat mindfully? In essence, it involves paying attention. Direct your focus to your food—observe its appearance, aroma, texture, and taste. Take the time to savour each sensory aspect of a sweet, juicy peach or a ripe, savoury tomato. This slower, more attentive approach not only heightens the enjoyment of your meal but also helps you recognize when you’re satiated, aiding in adherence to your weight loss eating plan.

The Art of Mindful Eating
While the concept of mindful eating may appear straightforward, many of us have become accustomed to hurriedly consuming meals in order to move on to the next task on our busy agendas. Take a moment to review these steps so that your next eating experience can be both special and satisfying.
**Create a ritual.**
Establish a special routine around your meals, recognizing the effort involved in bringing the food to your table. Whether you’re adhering to a weight loss regimen or not, aim to enjoy your meals at the kitchen or dining room table. Eliminate distractions by removing TV, computers, newspapers, magazines, books, tablets, or smartphones from the vicinity. Opt for real plates, glasses, and utensils rather than disposable ones, signalling a more meaningful dining experience.
**Rate your hunger.**
Mindful eating starts with tuning into your body’s cues. Resist the urge to eat simply because it’s a certain time of day or because food is readily available. Before sitting down to a meal, ask yourself, “Am I truly hungry?” Rate your hunger on a scale from 1 (not hungry) to 5 (extremely hungry). Ideally, aim to begin eating when you’re at a level 3, feeling moderately hungry but not overly ravenous.
Engage all your senses.
Enhance your dining experience by fully engaging your senses:
- Take a deep breath to centre yourself and be fully present.
- Clear your palate by sipping water.
- Admire and appreciate the visual appeal of the food in front of you.
- Take a deliberate bite and chew slowly, savouring the diverse flavours, textures, and sounds.
- Swallow gradually before taking another bite.
Check in with your hunger.
Mid-meal, pause to reassess your hunger levels. Listen to your body’s signals of satisfaction. You should start to feel comfortably satiated, neither overly hungry nor uncomfortably full. Aim to be at a level 3 on the hunger scale, where 1 represents still feeling hungry and 5 signifies feeling overly full. Once you reach this point, cease eating, even if there’s food remaining on your plate.
Eating mindfully can be particularly enjoyable during this season, with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables available for snacking or incorporating into your weight loss meal plan recipes. By practising mindful eating with each bite, it can become a natural part of your healthy diet routine, making every season deliciously satisfying!