A Comprehensive Guide to Breast Cancer
Breast cancer occurs when breast cells develop mutations and begin to divide and multiply. People may first notice a lump in the breast, discoloration, texture changes, or other symptoms.

What is breast cancer?
Cancer happens when changes, known as mutations, occur in genes that control cell growth. These mutations allow cells to divide and multiply uncontrollably.
Breast cancer specifically starts in breast cells, usually in the lobules (which produce milk) or the ducts (which carry milk to the nipple). It can also develop in the fatty tissue or fibrous connective tissue of the breast.
The cancer cells often spread to other healthy breast tissue and can travel to lymph nodes under the arms. From there, they can move to other parts of the body.
To understand better, you can look at pictures and learn more about the structure of the breast.
Signs and symptoms of breast cancer
In its early stages, breast cancer might not show any symptoms. Sometimes, a tumour is too small to feel, but it can still be seen on a mammogram.
If a tumour can be felt, the first sign is usually a new lump in the breast. But not all lumps are cancer.
Different types of breast cancer can cause various symptoms, although many are similar. Some common symptoms include:
– A new breast lump or thickening of tissue that feels different
– Breast pain
– Red or discoloured skin on the breast
– Swelling in the breast
– Nipple discharge other than breast milk
– Bloody discharge from the nipple
– Skin changes like peeling, scaling, or flaking
– Sudden change in breast shape or size
– Inverted nipple
– Changes in the appearance of breast skin
– A lump or swelling under the arm
Having these symptoms doesn’t always mean you have breast cancer. For example, breast pain or a lump could be from a benign cyst.
Still, if you notice any changes in your breast or have other symptoms, it’s important to see your doctor for further examination and testing.

Types of breast cancer
Breast cancer comes in different types, mainly categorised as invasive and noninvasive. Noninvasive breast cancer is also called breast cancer in situ.
Invasive cancer has spread from the breast ducts or glands to other parts of the breast, while noninvasive cancer hasn’t spread beyond the original tissue.
The main types of breast cancer are:
1. Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): This is noninvasive and stays in the breast ducts.
2. Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS): Also noninvasive, it grows in the milk-producing glands of the breast.
3. Invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC): The most common type, it starts in the breast’s milk ducts and spreads to nearby tissue.
4. Invasive lobular carcinoma (ILC): It begins in the breast’s lobules and then invades nearby tissue.
Less common types include:
– Paget disease of the nipple
– Phyllodes tumour
– Angiosarcoma
The type of cancer you have determines your treatment options and long-term outlook.
Inflammatory breast cancer
Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare and aggressive type of breast cancer, accounting for only 1 to 5 percent of all breast cancer cases.
With IBC, cells block the lymph nodes near the breasts, which prevents proper drainage of lymph vessels. Instead of forming a tumour, IBC causes the breast to swell, become red, and feel warm. The skin may also appear thick and pitted, resembling an orange peel.
IBC progresses quickly and can be very aggressive. It’s crucial to contact your doctor immediately if you notice any symptoms.
To learn more about IBC and its symptoms, consult reliable sources.

Triple-negative breast cancer
Triple-negative breast cancer is another rare type of breast cancer, affecting about 10 to 15 percent of people with breast cancer, according to the American Cancer Society.
For a tumour to be diagnosed as triple-negative breast cancer, it must have these three characteristics:
1. It lacks oestrogen receptors, which means oestrogen cannot stimulate its growth.
2. It lacks progesterone receptors, so progesterone cannot stimulate its growth.
3. It doesn’t have additional HER2 proteins on its surface, which typically fuel breast cancer growth.
Because it lacks these receptors, hormonal therapy is not effective against triple-negative breast cancer. This type of cancer tends to grow and spread more quickly than others.
Treating triple-negative breast cancer can be challenging. To learn more about treatments and survival rates, consult reliable sources.

Breast cancer stages
Doctors categorise breast cancer into stages depending on the tumour’s size and how far it has spread.
Staging involves determining:
1. If the cancer is invasive or noninvasive.
2. The tumour’s size.
3. Whether lymph nodes are affected.
4. If the cancer has spread to nearby tissues or organs.
Breast cancer has five main stages: stages 0 to 4.

Stage 0 breast cancer
Stage 0 of breast cancer is known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). In DCIS, cancer cells are confined to the milk ducts in the breast and have not spread into nearby tissue.
Stage 1 breast cancer
In Stage 1A of breast cancer, the primary tumour is 2 centimetres (cm) wide or smaller, and the nearby lymph nodes are not affected.
In Stage 1B, cancer is detected in nearby lymph nodes. There may be no tumour in the breast, or the tumour could be smaller than 2 cm.
Stage 2 breast cancer
In Stage 2A of breast cancer, the tumour is either smaller than 2 cm and has spread to 1 to 3 nearby lymph nodes, or it’s between 2 and 5 cm and has not spread to any lymph nodes.
In Stage 2B, the tumour is either between 2 and 5 cm and has spread to 1 to 3 axillary (armpit) lymph nodes, or it’s larger than 5 cm and has not spread to any lymph nodes.
Stage 3 breast cancer
In Stage 3A of breast cancer, the cancer has spread to either 4 to 9 axillary lymph nodes or has enlarged the internal mammary lymph nodes. The primary tumour can be any size. Alternatively, tumours are larger than 5 cm, and the cancer has spread to 1 to 3 axillary lymph nodes or any breastbone nodes.
In Stage 3B, a tumour has invaded the chest wall or skin and may or may not have invaded up to 9 lymph nodes.
In Stage 3C, cancer is found in 10 or more axillary lymph nodes, lymph nodes near the collarbone, or internal mammary nodes.
Stage 4 breast cancer (metastatic breast cancer)
In Stage 4 breast cancer, tumours can be of any size. Cancer cells have spread not only to nearby and distant lymph nodes but also to distant organs.
Your doctor will conduct tests to determine the stage of your breast cancer, which will impact your treatment plan.